
Informing manager / superior about anxiety

I have been suffering from work related anxiety for the last 3-4 months. I have recently started taking medications for it. I am supposed to move to Bengaluru as my wfh has ended. My parents think it's a good idea as it will help change my environment. I am wondering if it's a good idea to share about it at my workplace with my manager/superior. I know it's subjective, but still. Because I am worried this has started to affect my performance. Also, I am a talkative and emotional person and may end up slipping these things anyway.

13mo ago

Don't share this with anyone in workplace unless you really trust your manager who you know will always have your back

But please start seeking therapy regularly and actively, and do have faith in the process. You'll be available to cope with it better hopefully


Would be better if you could find a therapist via referral. The one I contacted just wanted to rip me off with non stop sessions, no good advice. Find a good one


This is very close to heart, let me share my personal experience.

I joined a new job and found it extremely hard to cope. A new city, a taxing role, and got hit by anxiety.

I didn't want to tell my manager because I would look weak. But after a point, it became bad. I would have to walk out of meeting rooms because of cold sweats and high heart rate.

I ultimately told my manager, cuz it looks almost like I'm a casual college student.

Started the pills, solved it somehow in 2 weeks (under). Never happened again. But for those 2 weeks, I was relieved I told them. It just made the anxiety lesser too, cuz I knew they knew.


It's nice that you have identified and accepted that you have work related anxiety , that's the first step to help yourself, please work on your anxiety and try to figure out the root cause , medications will help in short term.
While the response is subjective based on facts. Your manager is not your friend and your office is not your family, it's not helpful to discuss these matters with them unless the Company culture and your manager is supportive of it.

Please don't share! This will be held against you. This is too personal and you can take all the help you want but corporate doesn't vibe with this. Unless you've a godsent manager, it's best to keep this with you.

I too had this a long ago, it got better with time in my case. Not sure how your environment is, for all I know work on yourself/take help. Don't divulge.


Woah, hold on, get a room, chilled beer, take a paper, pencil, eraser (not a pen) Draw a vertical line in the middle of the paper, left column says, GET insert V2 verb BY. Right says, NEED TO insert present future tense FROM.

Those inserts - you'll put them on your own.

Try it and update later


Iska Mtlb it's not really a good idea to share


Fellow with the same history here. If you have good friends in Bangalore, hangout with them regularly. Workout, yes it helps a ton.
I had work related anxiety when I was wfh, leading upto to panic attacks, got medication for them. I have to use them once a month or in two months, but having friends to talk to, being physically present with them has helped. Avoid telling your manager about these issues completely, you don't know how they might start taking this information. Try to stay in the sunlight more, even if it tans you. Sunlight is therapy for anxiety. Check if your vitamin d is low, make sure you take supplements and proper sunlight for that. Eat healthy. Work out, stay in presence of people you feel great around. Do stupid shit, laugh. Everything will get normal.


How much trust you’ve on your manager?

If anything < 100%, don’t share. It will lead to many insecurities related to your profile.


As a very anxious person. Please never disclose this to your colleagues. You never know when things will backfire and they can tell that you are incompetent because of your anxiety.

Take medicine, try looking for jobs, lock yourself in room, cry out loud till your eyes are swollen but never tell anyone in office that you suffer from anxiety


Worst advice. Please share with someone you really trust.


Worst advice. No one cares. Share with your therapist. Even Family doesn't care most of the time


Bro no matter what try your best to keep this limited to you unless you trust your manager/colleagues like a mentor.

And if you feel like sharing your thoughts with someone, don't hesitate in calling up your friends/family.

For work related anxiety, try to figure out what sorry aspect exactly is causing this anxiety. And try to discuss the underlying problem openly with your manager in a 1-1


Don't share it at all.

It happened with me due to one toxic person I was working with. I ask manager to pull me out from that project and while explaining him the matter I broke in front of him. Somehow he manage to handle the situation by agreeing that one more person will work with. ( Because manager was friend with that person and manager specifically told me that s/he received various complaints against that person but s/he can't me pull me out of that project because it will show a negative part of that person to director and partner)

I also decided to give one more chance to that person and agreed with manager.
But from that onwards I started receiving very personal irrelevant comments from that person like I am mentally unstable, I am doing this because I want to avoid the work, I can't do anything all I have to do is sending mails, do copy paste work and what not.

It was all getting very bad and affecting me badly so I quit from that organisation.

Try to overcome your anixty at your personal level. Share it with your manager only if you have exceptional culture where people talk on these topics openly and in past people have actually get the help they needed.

Wish you all the good luck and hope you soon find yourself in better position.

Be calm stay happy.

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