
In-Flight conversations UK0994

Onboard the vistara flight from Mumbai to Delhi, I happened to strike a conversation with my fellow passenger, looking at a book he was holding in his hand. Not able to contain my curiosity, I asked him what book he was reading! It was the Bhagavad Gita! Since my father has been asking me to read the book for quite some time, I ended up asking him how he actually picked up that book to read! It was more the circumstances that led to it- the man said! There began a conversation about Gita, Sanatan dharma & the education system. Amidst all of this, my mind hovered over the profession the man might have been in & it zeroed down on a businessman! But boy, I was so wrong in my judgement when the man started a discussion about Higgs-boson particle! And to my astonishment, the man was working with their Nuclear power corporation of India- an engineer! And from there on, the conversation took an entirely different turn, discussing the 123 deal to the Rocket boys and then ofcourse the BARC! The 1.5 hrs flight was over in a jiffy and I can only revel in the learnings I have had through that conversation! What's the most interesting conversation that you have had?




19 days ago



B2B SaaS

19 days ago




19 days ago



B2B SaaS

19 days ago




19 days ago



B2B SaaS

19 days ago

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Adulting on

by devdos


Story of my life: Age 0 to Age 32

Was having morning chai and realized I should write this somewhere. Not sure if there’s anything to learn here. Just one guy’s story Years 0 to 5: Small town child Was born in Bhubaneshwar, father had a government job. Very average middle class life. Middle class values. Parents always wanted me to study hard so I did. Used to be most excited about playing cricket and football very day Years 5 to 15: The studious class kid We shifted to Jaipur - dad had a transferable job. Took time adjusting to a new school but eventually made some friends. Realised I do not have any music/sports/artistic talent, but I can work hard. So I started working hard on my studies and started being top 10% of my class every year. Maths came easy to me. I am not in touch with any of my friends from this period but they have all gone on to do good things as I see from their LinkedIn profiles Years 15 to 22: IIT years

 Worked super freakin hard - gave the JEE and made it to one of the top 7 IITs in the Mech department, soon realised I do not love Mech and there weren’t any jobs as well. Started learning to code and made a few projects. Did an internship at Microsoft and another at a startup from a college alum. Ended up realising becoming an engineer is not my cup of tea long term. Took a hard turn to working on non engineering skills and jobs. 

Most importantly made so many friends, had so much fun. These are still some of my best friends and we still meet each other and stay at each other’s houses. Picked up a deep obsession with E-Sports (Counter Strike mostly) Years 22 to 24: First job Joined one of the top 10 consulting companies at a good salary. Moved to Mumbai - started wearing suits and living a great life from hotel to hotel. The job was good, but not engaging enough. Decided I should quit. But was scared to do it for 8 months. Started studying for my CAT Years 25 to 28: MBA and marriage CAT went sweet. Joined a top MBA school - the most formative years of my life to be honest. Almost close to my last 2 years at college. Met my wife there to whom I got later married at 28. I still keep in touch with a few people from MBA but not as many as I do from college. Years 28 to 32: Making it onto Tech My campus placement happened as a Product Manager at famous tech company in Bangalore where I have been for the last 4 years now. Got a couple promotions. I love my work and its impact. I still sometimes get to play my Counter Strike. As I look back on all of life, I guess the most important things I have learnt are to just stay happy and do something useful EVERY DAY. Be diligent, work hard and you’ll get where you want to. Do not stress over it. Just stay in the game. Don’t tire out. Anyway. That’s it folks!


Misc on

by salt


[Thread] Who according to you is the most legendary figure in human history? Also, Why?

I'm definitely not engaging with any answers that don't have a "Why". Regardless, my answer would be... Napoleon, The French Emperor and Military Commander "The battlefield is a scene of constant chaos. The winner will be the one who controls that chaos, both his own and the enemy's." I've been watching a few documentaries on his military tactics. His innovative tactics and organisational reforms revolutionised warfare, setting the standard for modern military operations. His military campaigns, known as the Napoleonic Wars, reshaped the map of Europe and influenced military thought for generations. Personally, the battle at Austerlitz remains to be the best showcasing Napoleon's tactical brilliance and audacious maneuvering. In the midst of a freezing December day, his Army faced the combined forces of the Russian and Austrian empires atop the icy Lake Satschan. With the enemy mistakenly believing his right flank was weak, Napoleon executed a deception, withdrawing his troops to lure the Allies onto the fragile ice. As the ice cracked and creaked beneath their weight, the French unleashed their firepower, shattering the frozen surface and sending thousands of enemy soldiers plunging into the icy waters, resulting in multiple casualties and ultimately victory. Napoleon's rise from humble beginnings to becoming Emperor and his eventual downfall at the Battle of Waterloo is a legendary story of ambition and power.
