Is Google no longer the dream company it used to be?
This has become a common discussion topic in my friend circle when we think about switching jobs. Earlier Google used to be number one choice for many, but now due to layoffs and the hear-say about toxic work culture in google cloud things are changing and people are preferring other companies. Is it the same for you as well ? has your perception of Google changing too? Is google loosing both the cloud and AI battle? @google
It appears that way but to be honest, It's just a phase. It'll go away. Whether we accept it or not, Google dominates the internet and it will continue to do so for the next 50 years. The reason for Google's bad image right now is over hiring, repeated layoffs and an irresistible need to please their investors.
But, this will settle down eventually. People still like to carry the tag that they've worked at Google. Also, Google is still an attractive employer for freshers.
The FAANG prestige may soon fade away. But Google as a company will continue to attract top talents anyways.
50 years is definitely a stretch. I think things will start to change in the next decade.
Still a dream of many, including me :)
A big ship takes time to sink. Yes, Google may not be the 'best' anymore. That's because as a company their outlook due to AI has changed.
They own Gmail, Android, YouTube : massive distribution which no other product comes even close to in their respective categories.
Google will last another 20-25 years (our working lifetime) easily, but several other niche players will come up.