
Making mistakes is "incapability" according to Google 🫣

I reflected back on my L4 Google interviews. Although I made minor mistakes and rectified by myself without additional hints from interviewer, they were looked upon as incapability. I wasn’t even considered for L3, though I solved all the questions with minimal hints with correct DS. Follow ups I was able to solve and discuss the right approach too. Is this fair ?




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Confessions on

by samosa


Having some fun with the interviewers

So basically I don't hesitate in challenging the interviewer if I feel like they don't know how to interview a senior candidate so during many interviews, this is how I have caught them off guard: 1. The interviewer was asking me technical questions and expecting to explain properly throughout. So at the end i asked him about the tech stack they use, he said Azure. I asked him why they use Azure and not AWS, to which he said "it's cheaper", i didn't let it go, i asked him for a proper technical explanation, his red face was worth seeing. 2. The interview asked me a hard DSA question, and I wasn't able to solve it properly, he didn't even give me enough hints, just expected me to solve it. So halfway I asked him, would you like to solve a DSA if I ask you right now, he said no because it's not his interview. To which I asked, are you afraid that you won't be able to solve? If you are going to reject me for not solving this question, would you resign if you aren't able to solve the question. He ended the call. 3. One interviewer was asking me absurd technical detailed questions. I asked him why are you asking such questions, he said he needs to know my thought process because he will work with me. I started asking him similar questions, he said he won't answer because it's not his interview. I said I also need to know your thought process because we'll work together, so you should also answer these questions, he had no reply. 4. The interviewer asked me about a challenging project that I had done recently. I don't like this question at all. So I said there wasn't any challenging project because I'm good at what I do so it's always easy for me. He moved on to the next question. 5. HR asked me why I resigned without an offer? I asked if it's mandatory? No reply.


Software Engineers on

by Sweetpain


Rejected After clearing all the rounds at Apple

I've recently appeared for the Interview at Apple. Total 7 rounds and last round was with the HR. Till 6th round feedback was quite positive and in the 7th Round there was discussion that happened about Salary expectation. HR mentioned that she will check and get back with approved numbers and If I'm okay then they will proceed with releasing the offer letter. So I was expecting the same. But One week later HR called and rejected me saying that another Candidate is selected for this role. I was heartbroken and devastated. When I asked for the feedback, She said they cannot share the feedback it's just that they felt another candidate is better fit than me so they are going ahead with that candidate. On the very next day of my rejection call, they opened the Same position again in the Careers site. After 2 weeks again I called the same HR to understand If I could apply for the open position. She said that the Careers site it posted wrongly, the open position is not for my experience but it's for more experienced/senior Level. I could think that HR is not being transparent. This time again I asked for feedback, what went wrong or what could have been better, to which she replied that I was not clear on certain things and I was not transparent. Background is : After 6 rounds were done, HR called me suddenly one day and informed me that I cleared all the rounds and asked me for the expectation. I thanked her and asked about the Role (IC3 or IC4 or IC2) that I would likely get So that I can do some research and get back. She said she doesn't have clarity yet on the Role and mentioned mostly it would be IC3. So I asked her for some time to get back and 2 hours later I discussed my expectations. Then a week later, the Rejection call. Not sure what went wrong. In my most recent call she mentioned that for some simple questions like expectations I was not giving answers properly. It's been 3 weeks and I still could not come out of that rejection.