
Mom vs. Manager: The Unexpected Lesson That Saved My Career

Today, I had a realization about workplace communication that I wanted to share. During a meeting, I found myself in a familiar situation - my manager wasn't listening to my input and was criticizing my work unfairly. Frustrated, I raised my voice and responded rudely. At the time, I justified it as the only way to deal with such a difficult person. Later, my mom overheard and questioned my behavior. When I explained the situation, she said something that really struck me: "It doesn't matter how the other person is behaving or how rudely they speak. You should always remain polite." Her words made me pause and reflect. I realized that toxic managers can create toxic coworkers if we let their behavior influence us. By mirroring their rudeness, I was perpetuating a cycle of negativity in the workplace. This experience taught me an important lesson: we shouldn't let difficult people change who we are or how we conduct ourselves. Maintaining our composure and speaking respectfully, even in the face of rudeness, is not just about professionalism - it's about preserving our own integrity and mental peace. Moving forward, I'm committed to finding more constructive ways to address workplace conflicts, even when faced with challenging personalities. It's not always easy, but it's a step towards creating a more positive work environment for everyone.



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Seeidinc: The Toxic Symphony of Politics, Ego and Denial

Imagine a company where the only soundtrack is the toxic symphony of politics, ego and denial. You're not in a high school cafeteria. Here , manager has a first-time experience and chooses to weaponize it against you. This, my dear reader, is my story. A story steeped in humiliation, but also one laced with resilience. I've always been known for my ability to bring people together, nurture creativity and drive progress. However, the toxic environment I encountered was getting toxic day by day. It was a place where basic feedback was met with resistance and where the QA has biggest ego. I raised the issue, with the manager, but instead of addressing the problem, they launched into a political circus, blaming me for the chaos. My voice, my logic, my experience - all dismissed with a nonchalant "You're wrong, again." never faced this with my ex-colleagues before this from all previous companies though they were from tier-1 colleges and hungry to learn, grow and very humble when it comes to giving and taking feedbacks. It's a humbling reminder that genuine leadership and the ability to accept feedback are the foundational pillars of any successful organization. My journey through this toxic symphony has taught me valuable lessons about the importance of creating a positive and inclusive work environment. It has also fueled my resolve to keep pushing boundaries, even when faced with blatant indifference and deceit.