Moving to Banglore
Planning on moving to Banglore from Bombay,pretty confused. Peeps who moved to Banglore recently need some thoughts around how it's turning out for you? TIA
Isaiah Nadeen
a year ago
I moved from bombay to Bangalore last year. Find a place walking distance to office otherwise youll hate travelling. Or maybe 4-5 if you cant find anything. Travel by rapido/auto
Jordon Denver
a year ago
What's the rent like and 4-5 kms ?
Kendall Everett
a year ago
Rent is cheaper than bombay. Yes kms. My bad
Matilda Gabriel
a year ago
Just take a place near your office, everything will be sorted.
Dezi Carmden
a year ago
All my friends are too far away, meetups are difficult
It's chill.
Best metro to live in India in 2023 atleast.
Ncr, pune, hyd and Bombay don't even come close...all are gas chambers