
Need help deciding for further education: India or abroad.

I did my btech from IIT in 2022 and then have been working for the past 2 years. Now thinking of going for an MBA but confused about whether I should go to IIMs or go abroad for an MBA. I need help in deciding further steps as I want to plan it out for the year 2025. By that time I will have a work experience of 3 years. Also would be helpful if people can suggest which are the best sources and materials from where one should prepare for CAT & GMAT.

6mo ago
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Firstly, decide where you want to build your career, India or abroad. If India, better to do within India. If abroad, aim for 4-5 years of work experience as it improves your chances
If going abroad, do consider geo-political risks as any immigration policy changes can impact your chances of getting a job. Hence work out if you are in a position to pay the loan back working in India. This is the worst case scenario but important to bear in mind
I would recommend do MBA in the country where you wish to build your career as it provides best career prospects

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