
PM function is 💀. Change my mind.

Had a chat with a senior PM today on the need of the PM function with Ai getting smarter.

Engineers build, designers design, data people analyse things, and a business person has the mind to make money by leveraging the team. When a point arrives where Ai does all the IC part of Engineering, Design and Data, there won't be a requirement of PM function at all!

Creativity, Empathy, Product thinking, all these skills will be owned by Engineers, Designers, Data and Business leaders. These skills like "product sense" are something that won't hold the fort much longer because eventually all good engineers, designers and data people will have to develop the customer empathy and product sense to prompt the Ai and do their individual job better.

IMHO it is a high time that all PMs work to strengthen at least one hard skill to keep themselves employable.

While I am writing this post, unfortunately I am also the one who is seeking a PM role right now.

Any suggestions or thoughts you have on which hard skill to master and how to remain employable?

8mo ago
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