Why do recruiters ghost?
I have been ghosted more by recruiters than being ghosted by my dates. Why can’t recruiters be respectful to us and stop ghosting us? Software engineers are human beings and have feelings too.
How common is it for recruiters to ghost you after multiple rounds of interviews and assessments (over months) by blocking your email so you can't even send follow up emails?
The way I see it - they don't lose much since they have thousands to choose from an applicant pool, but it certainly undermines the effort made my candidates to a huge degree.
Or is that common courtesy, acknowledgement and in general being decent human seem rathee utopian concepts in this day and age?
Wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy.
You're not alone. Companies will literally ask candidates to create draw up plans, create solutions, and ghost them at the end. I've sat in the 3rd and final round of an interview where the leader told me on call, "We want to hire you and close this by the end of the week" only for them to ghost me.
They ask for a solution/assignment then after telling good things no reply and assignment mail get Ghosted lmao 🤣
Literally the same words were used by the HR folks.
I guess as candidates, we should keep looking out for better options 24*7. The grass is greener in this case perhaps. No point committing and making effort, just based on nice words. Lesson well and truly learnt.
Whenever you apply on LinkedIn, unless you uncheck the box you start following the company page. I have been seeing this trend with companies posting jobs and increasing their page follow count. they rarely revert back to the applicants these days. one of the reason why I stopped applying on LinkedIn
Yeah. That's such a pathetic way to build an audience/following. I'm sure what goes around usually comes around for those people.
I have been ghosted more by recruiters than being ghosted by my dates. Why can’t recruiters be respectful to us and stop ghosting us? Software engineers are human beings and have feelings too.
I’m interviewing with one of the FAANG company, the interview process completed last week and recruiter have ghosted me. What are some valid reasons for ghosting? They could have just acknowledged and said will get back with more informa...
I am new to the work force, 1.5 YOE. I want to understand the logic behind HR’s ghosting their candidates.