
Sales Guys Tips đŸ€•

what do you guys do when you’ve always performed well and suddenly you’re given a shitty product with no support from the management and as a result you lose your magic touch ?

how do you deal with the frustration and how do you bounce back ?

In two minds to quit or stay . Quit cause the stress to be great again isn’t worth the benefits and it feels like the whole company has no care for this program.

stay cause of my ego where I want to prove that I still can sell whatever shit you force me to go through.

13mo ago
App Promo

Don't stay purely for your ego. Sure let's say you've managed to sell it. Who's benefitting? The company, and it's stakeholders. You'll just be left with stress and exhaustion for the same pay


I know. It’s just I’ve always been very competitive with whatever I do. I have to be the best and anything else kinda irks me.

Seeing everyone around close sales with better products and support kinda just fuels that ego where it’s like I don’t need anyone I can pull this by myself. The product by itself is a good one. It’s just that the management focuses on other ones cause it’s a new launch.


If you feel there's any incentive and that it outweighs the negatives, go for it ig


Why is the product shitty? What could be improved in the product so that it is market ready? What are the competitors doing in this market?

List these down Share with management and the product owner See if it improves.

Don't missell to clients coz of your ego. It's a sure shot way to lose their trust.


Nah as much as I know the general perception of sales guys are that they missell or their sleazy , I don’t want it be one of those guys. So I don’t missell.

What I meant as the program being shitty is that the same company has multiple programs. They’re all separated by a price difference of 1 L.

Unfortunately the management hasn’t set up a proper SOP or have the necessary support or information related to the product which from a sales guys perspective is crucial and that’s why I call it a shitty product.

Apart from that the treatment in terms of incentives and inclusivity and stuff is different for us compared to the rest which kinda pisses me off as I get the feeling that we’re not really a priority or more of an illegitimate child kinda feel.

Add to that product launch was delayed due to lack of customers and price point being changed and any idea or suggestion we give takes ages to get into action -6+ months and that is if it happens.


Create an outline of SOPs and support information required to sell the products

Talk directly to the program manager - gauge their response to your program improvement plan - if the 6 month timeline can be reduced.

If nothing else works, start a job search before the management decides to kill the program and blame it on sales

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