
Should I add Apache Kafka as a tech stack in my resume?

I'm from a non-CS background but managed to learn Spring Boot, React Js at my college time. Now I'm going to complete 1 year at my company and don't have much experience apart from a small backend project (initial stage project) and some testing work. I spent my weekend learning Apache Kafka and made some basic projects (producer-consumer) using Apache Kafka and Spring boot to get knowledge of integration and working. I'm also trying to learn and use Kafka Streams in a project. Should I continue this and make a project or should I not mention Kafka in my resume as it is a big technology and it will backfire on me in an interview as being less experienced ( I consider myself a fresher only) and using such big technology? If I can write Kafka in my resume then what kind of preparation do I need to do? Should I learn some other concepts around it as well?

9mo ago

Make sure to read Kafka white paper before the interview. It talks about Kafka architecture (brokers/partitions/consumer groups/retention policy etc.) and how Kafka uses zookeeper for distributed coordination.
Also learn about write ahead logs (WAL) which Kafka uses internally.

And make yourself aware of its differences with other message queues like RabbitMQ.


Thanks for your advice. I'll make sure to read them as much as possible.
Any suggestions for a project that I can make and then mention in resume?


You can as long as long as you don't mention that it was used in the project you delivered to the client. It may be a plus point since interviewer might feel that you are learning something outside your project and you can learn new things.


Thank you for your advice.
It was just for learning purposes and to add a tech stack to my resume but now I'm a bit confused. If I add Kafka, then what kind of projects can add? Any suggestions on that?

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