
Taking a leave for work??

Ever Happened you take a day off from work only to complete all your tasks and backlogs? This is the third time this happened to me taking this friday off to complete my work. Everyday doing so many meetings didn't get any time to complete the work. I only got only an hour or two daily to complete my work. and then wondering what to tell in the standup tomorrow. Funny thing is I'm a junior developer with only 1 year exp :) for more context: I don't work on weekends and after 7pm.




3 months ago

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Office Gossip on

by HarveySpecter


Tell story of the worst intern that you had

TLDR; Had a data science intern join our team. His resume was really impressive, good academic record, had a couple of research internship (NUS, IIT), 4 papers in journals etc. His interview was just okay, but we probably got biased by his resume which looked stellar. This guy didn’t know very basic python programming. We gave him basic task of converting a image dataset from one format to another(very first step of developing ML model). Took a week, constantly badgered all the team members, would just randomly copy code from ChatGPT, and if it won’t work, would ask us to solve it for him. Didn’t figure it out in a week, and at the end of week, we arranged a meeting with him about the update of work. Turns out, he didn’t even understand the task clearly. But we didn’t mind him, as it was his first week and we cut him some slack. The next week, I understood that he struggled in programming so gave him very basic task. He just had to figure out a command line program. Took two days, gave the result without any documentation, and the very next day he asked whether he would get the credit of his work and that it would account for his decision to full time conversion. Then he started taking a leave, EVERY WEEK. We used to have scrum call at 10AM, this guy wakes up at 10:30AM, and tells that he slept late and would come to office by 11AM( we had work from office policy), and he would come around 11:30AM. Would slack at work the entire day, give him some basic task, would keep asking silly doubts, copy paste code from ChatGPT and ask us to solve the bugs. Come to office without taking bath, no professionalism at all. One day I scolded him a lot, to come at time, learn some professionalism( if he doesn’t have good skills, atleast a humble attitude and professionalism should be there), but dude had no effect, comes at 12PM the very next day, missing the scrum call again. Was scolded many times, but didn’t have effect on him. 50k/per month stipend, completely wasted.


Indian IT on

by Nezuko

Persistent Systems

Quite depressed😔

I am not depressed because of work or challenges, but only because of my manager. As soon I was under this new manager in a new project, I didn't knew my life would get so terrible. 1 The project got complicated because my manager couldn't understand the technical discussions. 2 Team lead was out in the starting itself because of the unethical or disrespectful behaviour of the manager. 3. Whole responsibility came over me. I did my tasks very well and even got appreciation from client side. I was expecting appreciation from my manager too but instead got an escalation 😞. Reason by manager:: 1. I don't provide clear status updates --> reality:: I provide updates on slack,Dsm,jira every day with full clarity. 2. I take Unplanned leaves -->reality:: 2 sick leaves only till now (one leave in one month) 3. Lazy and unproductive and many more --> reality:: I even help my senior with their tasks and who is doing the project then?? In this way, the manager wants to escalate with any way it finds. When I tried to have a discussion and asked relevant reason, the manager was quite unable to ans. My rating is also been spoiled 😮‍💨 Even the upper management is with The manager. We the team of 3 people from which only I am left, both of them being escalated and forcefully resigned from the company. I am been torchered with this escalations on a regular basis and I don't know how to tackle this situation.😞😞 --