Life Insurance
So I'm 23M and i wanna buy life insurance of 2Cr. Would really appreciate it if you guys could answer a few questions!
- Which life insurance do you have?
- How much is the premium?
- How many years do you have to pay the premium?
- ...
I recently bought term insurance by researching through blogs and YT. Summarising all points I have gathered below so that it can be helpful to others. For detailed info you can watch LLA's video on YT.
Ideal cover should be 20x your salary. We should increase our cover over time. Few plans have the option of increasing cover on some events like marriage, child birth etc. or increase cover by 5% every year till it doubles.
We get cover till x age, Let’s say 65 years. If something happens to you before 65 then the insurance company will pay the cover but if something happens after 65 age then no cover will be paid
what age to choose? Till 65 we are usually financially independent so that is the best age. But if the premium difference between 65 and 75 is just a nominal one then do go for 75 years
Long Term Survivor: Choose that company which has good history and has a good reputation. Don’t choose a company which is small and will not exist in next 10-15 years.
Brand Value: Brand Value is high i.e. if something happens that you are denied claim settlement then if you raise your voice it should impact the company’s brand value. If it is a small company then it’s brand value is already less
Claim settlement ratio is a myth. As we don’t know the value of claims which company has rejected. So what they usually do is reject big claims(which obviously less) and settle majority of small claims
CSR = (No. of Claims passed/Total no of Claims) * 100
CSR by Amount: This is better than CSR but shouldn’t be the only thing you should rely upon.
CSR By Amount = (Amount. of Claims passed/Amount Total no of Claims) * 100
Claim Repudiation Ratio: How much claims did the company reject.
AUM: Asset Under Management. Whatever amount/premium we pay to insurance company, they invests it. Higher the AUM higher is the assurance.
Add ons which we can add
There are more riders as well, but I didn't add those as few are given free by insurance companies.
Make sure that whatever rider you are selecting, it is over and above the insurance cover.
Return of Premium: Ye Jumla hai. Let’s consider a scenerio. Company say instead of paying me Rs. 2500 per month pay me Rs.4000 per month. If you select return of premium option and if you’re alive after age 65(cover age) then we will pay you premium paid by you till date.
Limited Pay: In this you choose to pay extra premium but this reduces the time period for which you need to pay the premium to the company.
Zero Cost Term Insurance: In this you pay extra premium but let’s say at age 60 you tell insurance company that you don’t need the term insurance then as you chose Zero Cost Term Insurance then company will return all the premium paid by you till date. The same logic of investing applies here as well. BUT, if you are getting almost same premium for policy with and without Zero Cost TI then do prefer adding Zero Cost TI.
That's it. Do your own research before buying. I have just mentioned points I collected so some info might be incorrect.
Term Insurance is super important and will always be bought from a reputed reliable insurance provider. Be very very careful while buying it, dont just check the policy price and buy else it would be a huge problem when it comes to claim settlement. Reliable ones are LIC / HDFC
We have irda if there is any issue. Also, there's a rule that if you hold a policy for more than 3 years, insurance company have to compulsory pay you the sum assured. They can't deny it.
Thank you. It is informative
If any one interested in getting health / term insurance , can contact - 9971903222
I see that the premium prices have increased by a good margin. I have a 2Cr plan but with premium of 1260/month till 70. It’s been more than 10 years since I had been paying.
So I'm 23M and i wanna buy life insurance of 2Cr. Would really appreciate it if you guys could answer a few questions!
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My strong recommendation for everyone if you havent taken the term insurance get it today and if you do not have the health insurance get it right away.Tomorrow will never be your day so get both of them in these uncharted time.
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