Shaadi.com/ Jeevansaathi.com
Are these websites fooling people? Or anyone is getting matches and getting married through these apps. Are there fake profiles as well? And how to protect from scams. Thanks!
Is this just like iitiim shaadi?
What are these "Top Consultants"?
Do they guide even on first nights?
Any users? Success or Failure?
Which people are/aren't eligible for this app?
Since when did Uber launch external ads in their app?
Boss i am paying so much money, I need assurance from person, I will not talk to your machine
Also can AI detect whether two person can live together or not?
Feed it well with LLMs, it'll tell
You said that you are paying so much money - are you an active user?
If so, can you share the insights and pricing?
Not user re, I was mimicking a typical user
It's like super premium subscription to their sevices, instead of you scrolling their site endlessly a person will get in touch with you,will note down your requirements and will find a suitable match for you,also that person will handle all scheduling things for in person meetings, you can get access to their shaadi points where a meeting room is available to you, if anyone needs.
AI can also do that na 💁
Uber has been showing ads for nearly a year now, ad income is nicely padding their bottomline
Are these websites fooling people? Or anyone is getting matches and getting married through these apps. Are there fake profiles as well? And how to protect from scams. Thanks!
Okay folks, time has come, i've decided to settle down in an year. 29M, multimillionaire in USD (paper wealth 🙈).
Have you had experience in with any of the apps? Which one do you think is better?
Hi Grapevine,
I'm Varun, Founder at Juleo: The Trusted Singles Club. We are not a dating app, nor a matrimony app, but a Club of Govt ID verified Members who don't ju...
Hey Varun @salt here In a world full of men and women masquerading as ones who are seeking long term relation...
Hey Varun. Glad to have you here. Can you explain with an example how is your platform better than the current incumb...
Hi Varun, What led you to want to build in this space? Also what were considerations when leaving a pretty inte...
Exclusive membership costs around Rs 22K. It is for 3 months. In this, consultants reach out to prospects and share profiles on the basis of mutual interests.