Weekends for GVers
How you guys are spending this weekend?
For me, I am traveling, so spending some time at airport. Amazed to see volume of passengers even in a Tier2 city, for sure boost to indigo top line😯
How you guys are spending this weekend?
For me, I am traveling, so spending some time at airport. Amazed to see volume of passengers even in a Tier2 city, for sure boost to indigo top line😯
Folks, what do you do on weekends, apart from clubbing/movies/travel? Need suggestions.
I wait all week for weekend, then realize I just didn't have enough fun on the weekend. What makes a good weekend? How can I make sure that this Monday I go to office feeling like I had a nice weekend.
Give suggestions please 🙏
Have a bad week. Your weekend will look better. Your brain thinks in comparatives.
Unpopular opinion. One of the primary feelings I have had is that weekends are short. Changed that by waki...
All suggestions below are ideas. Many more are possible (just ask ChatGPT 😂) Essentially, fun is subjective to ...