About Salaries, I noticed a very grave privacy related flaw. There must be an option to delete the submitted salary info and/or the Salary Card from one’s profile, or at least hide it from view.Right now, there is no app lock feature. So if my phone goes in someone’s hand even for a few seconds, in three taps, one can get to know my salary. Or let’s suppose I am showing a grapevine post to a colleague in office, or I am showing the Salary tab data, and I accidentally hit the “Salary Card” tab, the salary would be shown to the other person. Even the colleague or the friend can tap the Salary Card since it is shown so prominently in the Salary tab. So this Salary feature must get modified with more privacy feature, or an option be given to delete the submission. Frankly, I may consider deleting my account if this doesn’t happen. I may create again in some other way, but may have to delete this account.