
What is Cognizant associate salary?

What is the salary of an associate in Cognizant? Does it vary from project to project? I am planning on joining this company. Currently, my salary is 3.75 LPA so how much should I expect?

5mo ago

Cognizant associate salary varies based on location and department. For instance, In Software Engineering in Bangalore, the approximate salary is expected to be ₹8.7 lakhs per annum. However, it is slightly lower in Chennai where the average salary is closer to ₹8.5 lakhs, while Hyderabad and Pune both offer an annual salary of about ₹8.6 lakhs. Kolkata can offer a salary of approximately ₹8.0 lakh per annum.

In the IT & Information Security department, those working in associate position in Bangalore will earn around ₹8.7 lakhs in a year, while in Chennai and Hyderabad brings around ₹8.6 lakhs and ₹8.7 lakhs respectively. Pune goes for ₹8.6 lakhs and, Kolkata offers ₹8.1 lakhs in one year.

In Data Science & Analytics sub-sections. Salaries for associates in Bangalore and Hyderabad stand at about ₹8.6 lakhs per annum, in Chennai and Pune they are approximately ₹8.5 lakhs. The sum offered in Kolkata is in the region of 8 lacs per annum.


An associate at Cognizant typically earns between 6 to 12 LPA, depending on experience and role. Since you currently earn 3.75 LPA, you can expect a significant hike. Negotiate well.

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