What's the worst advice you've ever followed that you now regret? How did it impact your life when you followed it?

Study/work now , enjoy later. BULLSHIT.
Later never arrives. Balance is the key. Work and enjoy parallely. You never know whats gonna happen tomorrow.
As we age, it gets harder to be happy. Today is the youngest you'll ever be.

Cgpa doesn't matter

Changing jobs frequently can give a negative impression on your profile.


College degree doesn't matter.
It does help a lot with getting jobs.
Degree and CGPA doesn't matter.
Tanked myself with this advice. Wasted precious years on my useless degree

What’s the worst advice you’ve got in your professional career?
In my org seniors often give random advice, most of it is useless. For example, they once told me that don’t work for money, work for problems, you’ll get money as a outcome.

what is your worst mistake professionally?
for me. i spent college studying for grades and 20s making money in a job I don't like, but never got to make the memories I should've with all my friends. I regret doing all of that

If we are spiralling, let's spiral right 1. Focused solely on grades in colleges 2. Thought Campus placements were u...

My worst mistake was to not have enough conviction. You need to bend reality to your will. Reality distortion is real...

Hubris. Not the smartest, not the most privileged, but got some stellar opportunities that I was too short sighted to...

What’s your biggest regret in life?
[ also hoping to have some responses from people in their 30s & 40s for insights ]
pls don’t say boards dene ki jagah crypto kharidna tha 2014 me🫠

Not upskilling and staying in TCS since 4+ years. Biggest blunder of my life. I feel like flogging myself and killing...