
A doubt about Naukri

Anyone had a phase where they weren’t getting even a single call from Naukri? Not even the ones that aren’t even remotely related to your profile? I am updating my profile everyday and still not getting even a single call. My profile was exactly the same in June and I had 3-4 calls coming everyday. I took a break from job hunting for two months and now it’s just..dead. Would appreciate any guidance or fix for this!

18mo ago

Are you getting views on your profile ?


I had two views today. Before that, it is literally 1 view per day and that too in gap of 2-3 days


Agree, maybe bug in system

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by SquishyWalrusQuality assurance engi...

Not getting any interview calls

Hi Everyone,

I've been actively seeking job opportunities for the past six months, but I'm only receiving a few calls—just three in total over this period. Every day, I log into Naukri and LinkedIn, applying to positions that align with...

by JazzyPickleSoftware Developer

Not getting calls from Naukri.


I am not getting calls from naukri. I tried changing my resume several times, but yet not getting calls from naukri. On the other hand my friends keep getting many calls. Kindly help me out.

Data Scientists

Regarding Job

I am not getting enough calls even when applying to jobs/updating my profile on naukri.

All I get are calls/notifications related to irrelevant job roles and uninterested organisations.

How do I get many calls from top product based, h...