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Misc on

by EndianTechSupport_


Tech rant

I am a fresher 2023 graduate and have been doing this (applying for jobs) for almost a year, everyone said you have to do internships as it is necessary so did 2 internships one for a year and another for 6 months but apparently no one counts internships as experience even jobs that had 1-3 yoe as requirement and now everyone's hiring 2024 grads as freshers (I tried to look for another internship but there were none during the time of placements). I am now tired of this field, many full stack devs don't know shit outside Javascript world and many of them can't even use tools like git properly and are so cocky of themselves. Saw an SDE on twitter who apparently has 6 years of experience, doesn't even know how to configure multiple SSH and says managing multiple ssh is a downside. A women dev (cause in India you have engineers and female engineers apparently) doesn't know about sidebar cache and calls it a bug and she's in google. and If I try to roast these people with my real name there's a whole cabal of Banglorians who will grab their macbooks inside third wave coffee and start tweeting against me after aggressively drinking their Chocolate mocha frappe. Just go into any random tech twitter space no one seems to be talking about tech it's always about DSA, interviews, LIFE IN BANGLORE, which cafe they visited. I let myself believe tech was my passion and worked hard for but Indian techies and companies are worst, this generation thinks they are better than their predecessor but follow the same politics everywhere even when it comes to Tech communities (who tf does politics in a community that produces open source code wtf). They talk about networking and creating a community all the time but can't even respond to linkedin cold dm and blame the sender by nitpicking about the format 👏👏 and then they'll go on post the screenshot and rant how it's the sender fault to even try to network with them with a message that isn't written from their own blood.


Office Gossip on

by TheAdGuy


Extremely Beautiful quote on finding connection

“When you’re young, you believe that there will be many people with whom you’ll connect with deeply. Later in life, you come to realize that it only happens a few times. A few moments, frozen in genuine beauty, where you look at someone and you know, from a place deep within yourself, that they are going to mean something to you, that they are rare. When it comes to this kind of connection, it’s important to understand that energy cannot be created or destroyed — that is a scientific fact. If the depth is there, it cannot be denied, cannot slip through your fingers, cannot be something you successfully run away from due to fear of exposure or battle wounds. You can try to dismiss it, can try to stay protected and hidden from the warmth, but your hiding spot is never watertight — it always catches up to you. And if it’s not meant to fit within the soul of you, if it’s simply not your love to hold, no amount of bargaining with your heart will anchor it. That is the beauty of discovering the things that stay, the things that fall into place. In a world of billions, in a world where we are all seeking connection but avoiding eye contact, there are remarkable points of impact where you manage to crash yourself into someone who ends up breaking through the exterior. Someone who makes contact with your heart, who grows roots within it. Together, you beat the odds. If you have found human beings like this, I hope you protect them. I hope you risk your heart for what you feel. I hope you believe that you are worthy of something full, and pointed and real. I hope you never settle for less, because certain people are truly just rare, beautiful drops of borrowed light that find their way to you. You don't feel alien with them. The otherness never arrives. There isn't a version of yourself you have to shed in order to feel connected to them. They see you clearly. You are held there. (Continued...)


Product Managers on

by BahadurBilla


Cordially inviting all deserving tech bros

In July 2002, Google did something crazy: They hired a 22 year old computer science student and made him the product manager for Gmail. Gmail engineers were shocked. Gmail was the most important new project at Google. Its target was 10M users. And this guy, who was just out of college, would be the PM? But they were overruled, because Google had a bigger problem: Product managers. Google couldn’t find good PMs. Co-founder Larry Page rejected all the super-experienced PMs from Microsoft, McKinsey, etc. They talked about management and strategy and business. Larry Page hated this. He wanted Google PMs to be technical. Otherwise how would they work with the engineers? That’s when a Google VP, Marissa Mayer, had an idea: If we want PMs with technical skills and don’t care about their experience, why don’t we hire computer science students from college? Thus, the Associate Product Manager (APM) program was born. Brian Rakowski, a 22-year-old CS grad from Stanford, became the first APM. He was put on the Gmail team. Brian was scared. How could he work with super experienced, super senior engineers on a super important project if they didn’t respect him? Marissa gave him the answer: Data She explained to Brian that a PM didn’t give orders to engineers. His job was to be helpful to engineers. If he had an idea, first he should do a small test on 1% of users. If it worked, he should show the test data to the engineers to work on it. Thus, data became the centre of decisions, not seniority or politics. The rest is history. Gmail was a huge success. APM program was a huge success. The first APM, Brian, was a huge success. He’s currently the Vice President of Product Management at Google! Reference :