
Introvert problem

I'm a 90's introvert and my girlfriend is 20's extrovert. Recently we got a fight. One week ago a new boy joined her team. Whenever i went to saw her i brought a chocolate 2 days ago i went to saw her and i brought a dairymilk and i gave to her. Suddenly that boy grabbed that dairymilk then he gaved back and he git her, I get anger and possessive. I informed her when i reached home i don't like he grabbed the dairymilk and he touched you. What i expected from her was "okay this won't happen again i won't let anyone touch me" but what happened was, she pick up a fight i won't speak with anyone see anyone I'm blocking everyone and try to live alone. I begged for hours to calm her at last she said please don't control me and please let me live with freedom. I know she purely love with me but the same time i don't like she hanging with boys. What i do, do i need to change or how to handle this situation?




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Software Engineers on

by DummyUserName


Rant post about girl and job

Hi, I am in service based company, Graduated in 2022 and did internship in MERN Stack in BYJU's Exam Prep for 10 mos As I had worked in start up , I am having decent knowledge of at least completing the task. I need to switch badly. Girls were never my friends , no point of GF. Fast forward to now , I am in a project and working on React. There is a girl of same batch and we are working on frontend only. Our dev started in May, and at that time we chit chat for normal queries. After a day or 2 , She started to discuss approach with me, I was ok ( as I was talking to girl no feelings at that time, and was discussing logic). And then slowly the scenario become like she use to call me on teams for any single query , and I in excitement talked to her. I loved her voice had not seen her as our stand up was on teams. I used to help her , and she gives the update like " I am doing this" / " I am doing this , facing some issue, and trying to resolve that " And in each case I was there with her. And then this continued uptill 20 July . I was getting feelings for her , like why a girl is talking to me without even seeing/ knowing. I was interested w/o any reason. I just need a partner to share feelings. And then then due to project requirement , we were asked to come to office. We came on Monday , i helped her normally as we used to discuss with each other on teams. We both saw each other on that day for first time face to face. Her task was going ok, and was supposed to complete on Tuesday, bu by reaching office she use to connect with seniors instead of me and they use to tell her the approach not doing her task. Hence this took full week. I was noticing this from Tuesday to friday (23-26) and we were gradually decreasing our conversation.. Our accomodation is in company's society. I talked to her and her 2 friends in Friday night when I was roaming out. We made plan to go for mall / Iskcon. On Saturday we went outside. For Sunday i asked her to go out she said.......


Adulting on

by arvind_hajriwal


Suggestion needed about future

In relationship with her for almost 4 years. Although relationship is kind of toxic but there're lot of emotional memories. She's bit of abusive when in anger and on the other hand I also made lot of mistake by giving hope & all. It becomes kind of hard for me to handle her anger. Now I trying to fix things up for our future. I tried connecting with lot of my friends & psychologist, but didn't get balanced solution. By balanced solution, I mean both of us should not suffer unfairly and live life peacefully. Both of us come from lower middle class family and both approaching 30. she's not working. 1. I have few responsibility for my family as well. So, one of my friend suggested "to do breakup and not continue because of these family responsibility. If I go with her, then in the end I have to sacrifice one thing in my life (sacrifice means not good future), either my family, her or my career. and not being true to my family responsibilities in future will give me more guilt than breaking up with her. and they told It'll become hard for me with family guilt. In chess, sometime you have to sacrifice queen to win. Also, they asked me to read geeta that duty comes first than anything else. and family didn't make any wrong and deserve the best in future." 2. My judgement around this is kind of messedup right now. Although i understand the logic part of it and completely agree with this. but Emotional part of this is kind of making me feel guilt. that i did very wrong to someone. and Even i understand that it'll be hard/impossible for me carry all these burden in future, still I think lets go with her just that I dont want her to suffer things. 3. Above 2 solution feels very biased to me. In both solution, one of us have to suffer badly. Posting here to get your solution. I know both type of people exist here. Someone will feel more for her and other will prefer family. for more context -


Data Scientists on

by ProductGod

Ola Electric

Data Scientists on Grapevine: Should I Ask For Sick Leave After Being Cheated On

I just found out today Iā€™ve been cheated on by my long term girlfriend who I lived with. Turns out sheā€™s been cheating for a few months but sheā€™s only just told me now because sheā€™s fallen out of love for me and sheā€™s fallen in love with him, so sheā€™s leaving me for him. She says I neglected giving her the attention she needed because I was so focused on work I forgot to do the nice things for her like bring her flowers, or take her out for dinner or to just show her how much I loved her. Even though Iā€™m so heart broken and havenā€™t stopped crying, I do forgive her because itā€™s true my work hours were bad and because we lived together I kept thinking in my head ā€œitā€™s fine, ill make it up to her next timeā€. Plus, I was planning to quit my job once bonus comes at the end of this year to find a more chilled job so I could spend more time with her, I truly am ready to leave my job and that was my plan so I was just holding out until then. But now I wonā€™t have the chance because she said its too late she has already lost interest in me and loves him. But this guy is a software engineer at a FAANG company earning 60-70L a year whilst only having to work 9-5 so heā€™s richer and has more free time to give her attention. Actually she said he only works around 3 hours per day, he does around 1 hour in morning then 2 hours after lunch and for the rest of the day heā€™s free to spend time with her, and his company doesnā€™t notice or mind. So this guy earns almost 3x my compensation for only 3 hours a day meanwhile Iā€™m working 12 hours a day She would sneak out whilst I was at work to go on dates with him or round his house and then she would come back to my home in my bed in time for when I arrived from work so I wouldnā€™t notice. Now I feel really broken, Iā€™m in no mental state to be working I canā€™t think about anything else I have deadline for work today and Iā€™m just sat here crying writing this post. I know men are meant to be strong and hold our emotions together but I really am sad. I want to ask for 3 days sick leave at work but I donā€™t know if this normal and acceptable to do? Given most sick leave would be for grievances like the death of a loved one etc. or am I being a cry baby and I should man up and continue to work?


Adulting on

by Deadpool93


Worst times for men! Better to be a monster than a hero

I am a 30 M , got married in 2020 and clearly the marriage was not working out. My wife and her mother was always finding ways to control me from the beginning with all the little things and my wife started this drama like with every fight she used to leave the house and stay at her motherā€™s and not comeback until all the parents gets involved and me asking sorry, one time she left the house because I cooked the curry and had asked her to do roti this turned into a fight and just for that she left the house. And her mother threatened me that she wonā€™t send her daughter back until I ask sorry. There were LOT of these instances and at one point I really got fed up and started standing up for myself, in the last fight she said she wonā€™t come back again and I said please donā€™t I am also tired of this. After a month she started reaching out to me asking sorry and apologies and all but I had lost all trust in the relationship and I wanted sometime. Even if I let her in her mother would have ruined the relationship again , so I asked her since I have no trust you have to agree on that in future if we get divorced if we have kids the kids stay with me and I wonā€™t pay any alimony. Following this discussion she lodged a fake domestic violence and dowry case against me and my family. And I filed for divorce after I seeing police station and all. I have all the evidence to prove that I am innocent but the court is taking very very long time and now she is asking for for a huge amount only the she will agree for divorce šŸ˜£