AMA about PayPal!
Have good experience to answer all your queries. Ps:: Can’t comment about layoffs
Are there any teams where WLB or culture are more intense/ much easier?
Till date I have never heard anyone complain about WLB. but you must understand that during holiday seasons(thanksgiving Black Friday) activities can be a little stretch for a month but other than that work is very chill with good innovation
How is SDE 1 interview process ?
The interview process is quite similar to all top product based company. DSA + culture round
How’s the wlb? How are the Indian teams treated?
PayPal has one of the best wlb. There are often times when you have to stretch(specially holiday seasons) but rest assured you are the owner of your work and life in here. In comparison if I rate google wlb at 10, PayPal is at 9.5