
Are layoffs due to recession?

Had this thought since long back, but there's one common pattern I have witnessed. Since the Twitter layoffs, all the companies out there (including FAANG/MAANG) have joined with the layoffs trend. What's surprising is that most of these companies have had a great financial year and made profits in billions. Recession is a time when markets go down and companies can't retain their customers due to economic or socio-political issues. So the current situation has made me question whether the layoffs are actually due to this fancy term called 'Recession', which most of the tech influencers out there are preaching and selling thier courses with (shame on them for doing so during these times) or is it actually the VC's control over the companies which is making the CEO's take such decisions? All things aside, My heart goes out with people who have been impacted by layoffs. Don't forget that there is a thin line between being laid off and being fired, so don't lose your confidence and look out for new opportunities and sell yourself in the market. Never forget, no matter how the market conditions are, if you are skilled and good at what you do jobs will always find you.

Stay Positive and be strong!

25mo ago

This is a good reasoning on the lay offs, you might find it useful


What recession - the stock markets are at highs


If multiple ppl do it, the stigma drops then it's the economy. But ye zirp played a big factor

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