
Asked to do Resign

Previously I worked in Persistent Systems for 2 years. Recently my hr called me to share the screen and resign. They have given me 7 days time to submit laptop and all the assets, leave the company. I just want to understand can't we do anything if they asked to do force resign. Because I have been in this company for 2 years, past 6 months they started doing this for atleast 40 employees per month only from my branch Hyderabad . Now it has become per week because they don't have projects and lot of projects are going to end in few months and already few projects moved out because when I spoked with senior in the company they are saying projects signed for 5 year's contract has now not interested to move. I asked why because of internal company politics, favouritism, fake and backdoor employees, over commitment due to these projects are not delivered in given deadline. How employees Will look for another oppurtunity in 7 days, also in my case when said to my recruiter that I am laid off they didn't schedule interview call then I changed my plan started saying them that I am having offer of A from x company going to join in next 15 days, then they shared scheduling interview. Won't there be any legal action we can take on employer as an employee in this cases.

9mo ago

How much months salary have they provided in compensation, were the leaves encashed


Ideally it's good for u. You're getting to switch in 2 years. You will get a hike much greater than what persistent will offer. Be flexible brother Immediate joiners have more engagement then normal job seekers.
Get the new job there are ample of companies. Check out people's profile on LinkedIn 2 year jump is so common. Plus you have an advantage to gain sympathy here


I'd be the happiest if I'm laid off in 2 years. Apparently my dependencies won't let me go away soon


This is unfortunate but the legal action would be your nightmare.

Rather focus on getting the new job.

And some companies might hesitate to hire but if you keep telling lies instead of being honest about being laid off it might backfire in the final stages of offer related discussion and/or in the bgv.


Pathetic. Working for a company for years simply asking to resign without even giving time to get new job. Loyalty has dead that too from an Indian company .


I understand it but it's unfortunately the harsh reality.

Staying too long at a workplace is many times seen as inability to get a new job and then an unfair advantage is taken of the employees.


This is true đź’Żđź’Żđź’Ż


I heard that they have accelerated parallel firing and hiring than before. They Wil just show to market, client and government that they are hiring.


Not sure about hiring but firing is on


They have money to acquire firms and no money for the people working for them


Yup. When I joined they acquired many firms and given single digit and very low hike for existing employees.


HR name ?

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“Loyalty” is a good word only for dictionary


Don't be dependent on your current company, always keep your resume floating in the market