
Bangkok vs Bangalore

I am vacationing here at Bangkok. I can see the grand city infrastructure. I am staying at Baiyoke Sky Hotel and the the city view from top looks grandiose. So many skyscrapers! City has well connected metro and BTS. Everyone follows Traffic rules strictly even when no one is watching. Girls can roam freely at night in whatever dress they want to wear. Only at Indian restaurants I see Indian guys oogling at women. Resident People are so well behaved and so well groomed. The Auto drivers like Grab taxi drivers don't bother by cancellation like ola here. There are traffic problem but not as horrible as in Bangalore. They have something like an expressways in city with toll fees. Overall it was good to experience an utopi of a city

17mo ago

We have samaj and sanskriti here which trumps all the infrastructure and development.




Talking about the same country where the military did not let a democratically elected popular leader be the Prime Minister because he promised to decrease sentencing and allow for more free speech against their nincompoop monarchy? India is bad but your observation skills are worst man


like mao developed China by force, they're on similar idealogy to become developed,

it's not a democracy, disrespecting the king they'll put even foreigners in Jail and give death penalty depending on severity.

But it doesn't mean it's not more prosperous for the people, even Dubai has harsh rules and limited freedom doesn't imply its necessarily shit.

Ours is country where a beggars have cumulatively more voting power then software engineers doesn't their decisions skew against you?
For once think from an observers pov


Tbk, I agree with what you say, and even agree to OPs point about cultural norms and safety of girls. But there are two major problems here

  1. Infrastructure is not necessarily development, especially counting skyscrapers
  2. The well behaved residents may well oppressed as well. The question resides whether you want well behaved, economically better but oppressed people or mavericks with free speech and more freedom. In this context, OPs calling Bangkok as Utopia of a city is just laughable.

Are Indian cities the worst? Absolutely. But Thailand shouldn't be the standard to aspire to when you have Europe and Japan in sight!


Global tourist place vs India tech hub. Fixed it


More than a tourist city, bangkok is economic activity district of SEA after Singapore, many banks and companies are headquartered there.

Your analogy is like reducing delhi down to a tourist city cause of qutub minar?


In short apple and orange comparison being done by OP. I rest my case


How much is the rent and the cost of living in Bangkok?


You can get a 2bhk newyork style condo apartment in bkk main city under 500usd monthly.
most consumables are 1:1 inr:thb figure, eg. street food 100thb per meal, chocolate bar from 7eleven is like 10thb, etc petrol is around 45thb/ltr, imported items are cheaper there also,

manpower is expensive example a cook will charge 20000thb per month.

one major con is extensive king worship, I've seen a person get arrested for posting on Facebook "king is unfair"


Not to mention, legalized weed?


On every nook and corner


So many cultural and behavioural discrepancies pointed out in 1 post that it needs a revolution of sorts to fix these lol!

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