
Beyond DSA And Dev

There is a lot of content around entry level ( leetcode, DSA, cp, projects to shine your resume yada yada) to score a high salary tech job as a fresher.

But my question to seasoned folks in the industry, what does it actually take to become a really solid engineer to sustain yourself in the industry and lead teams 5-7 years down the line rather than doing all this resume padding stuff?

18mo ago

Soft skills plays a major role. How you interact. If the ego is in place or not. Are people really comfortable asking questions from you. If they can really ask for help.

At technical stand point, understanding end to end on what are you actually building. Understanding on How does it relate to your domain really helps you to grow.

*this just my opinion which i learnt in last few years of working.


Is there any way to learn the technical things you mentioned other than actually working in the industry?


This is bit tough to understand. For ex: a semi-conductor company might be using some analysis tools built inside the company.

As an example You can understand this via your banking apps


So far what I have realised is communication is above than anything else be it DSA, Dev, Cp, .... If you aren't able to communicate your thoughts, ideas you are just useless. Remember not everyone around you is a techie, they won't get if you just say, "I will use blah blah algorithm to solve it". So focus on communication skills more.

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