Yes, invested today a lots. In fact I had invested yesterday too, and a few days back too. I have some more cash and I will keep investing across next few days.
Followed the post to see what's the market sentiment and what people are thinking, but I think after US elections ends in 2 week the market will be stable
But FII are selling and that's the reason, I think after election US market have more potential. India's relationship with China and this Bricks will sour the relationship with US and may be sanctions coming up on India:??
don't do any new investments as of now, no one knows till when this blood bath continues.
No sign of recovery in next 6months so let's hold

Blood bath in my portfolio
My portfolio was 30% up till few months back and now it’s negative, I don’t have money left to average, what would you do.. That’s some insane amount of money I have put in as per my capacity

I pray / hope you don't get to experience what a true bloodbath in the investing world is. The markets have been fair...

Stocks - What are you buying in the falling markets ?
Markets have bled heavily today. My entire portfolio is down by 11% - Everything is blood-red.
Are you panicking or buying the dip ?