
Using AI/Chatgpt in coding interviews!

Hi, Has anyone tried using AI tools or ChatGPT during interviews? I have seen my friends doing so, but I am unsure how feasible it is! Most of the coding questions are lengthy paragraphs, and when we type them into ChatGPT, it takes a longer time. Even for normal technical questions, there is a lag between asking ChatGPT, receiving an answer and presenting that to the interviewer. Have any of you successfully used ChatGPT to ace technical interviews? Share your experiences. P.S.: Yes, there is an unethical aspect to it, I agree! But a small attempt won't hurt, right? Please don't curse me!

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Relying on ChatGPT as a student can Sabotage Your Future Career

I will let GPT do the talking: Using ChatGPT as a student can be detrimental to your career in the long run. While AI tools like ChatGPT offer convenience and quick access to information, overreliance on them can hinder the development of critical skills. Key skills such as problem-solving, critical thinking, and creativity are nurtured through active engagement with learning materials and hands-on practice. If students rely too heavily on AI to generate answers or complete assignments, they miss out on the cognitive processes that are essential for deep understanding and knowledge retention. Moreover, employers value originality and the ability to generate unique insights. Dependence on ChatGPT for ideas and solutions can lead to a homogenization of thought and a lack of originality, making individuals less competitive in the job market. The ability to analyze information, form independent opinions, and articulate thoughts clearly is crucial in professional settings, and these skills are best developed through personal effort and practice. Additionally, ethical considerations come into play. Using AI to complete tasks meant to assess one's understanding and capabilities can be seen as academic dishonesty, leading to a compromised reputation and potential disciplinary actions. In the long term, this can damage one's credibility and career prospects. In summary, while ChatGPT can be a helpful tool, relying on it excessively as a student can undermine the development of essential skills, originality, and ethical standards, ultimately hurting one's career.