Uber: Office Cab / Shuttle
Does Uber India in Bangalore have an office shuttle / cab service for commute to/from work? And if they do, which localities in Bangalore do they have operational routes?
Does Uber India in Bangalore have an office shuttle / cab service for commute to/from work? And if they do, which localities in Bangalore do they have operational routes?
Asking for a friend, does IBM ISL provide cabs for female employees in Bengaluru?
Does TCS provide free shuttle/cab services for employees. Are these services available 24*7 ?
Hi All, I am looking to pre-book a monthly cab service for daily office drop & pickup. I remember "Get your ride"used to be there by "Move ln Sync" 2-3 years ago. But it looks like it's shut now. Any other service anyone is using in orde...