Capgemini invent - Good/Bad
Howz capgemini invent to work and growth wise. Please provide your reviews?
Work wise it's manageable and not hectic but new clients from non bfsi domains aren't organised or segregated properly with small teams and micro management happens a lot. In such scenarios, which is like very rare for someone .. you may not get any assistance from your CG side management/manager ..and I'm talking about senior director level assistance.
It's good if you're working in BFSI or analytics or finance risk management. It's the niche consulting wing they say and I'm a part of it. Your life is decided by the client you crack and growth as well .
How is capgemini for 13yrs exp
Hi All Just want to know how is capgemini for 13yr expereinced . Do they provide any onsite opportunity for 13yrs exp people ?. How is variable pay is paid and how much % is it in package ?
Curious about Capgemini MBRDI?
Has anyone here had experience working at Capgemini's MBRDI project? What are the kind projects and work culture like? I've been selected as a dotnet developer (4 yoe).