Career Guidance
I have 3 yrs of experience after my graduation, 8 months of backend experience and from past 2.4 months I am into frontend project.
Now I'm planning to switch trying to start preparation. I have ready with DSA rounds , coming with system design rounds I have a confusion. Should I need to prepare for frontend or backend system design topics
If I joined in another company should i start my carrer as a sde2 or sde1. If i join for SDE2 position can i catch backend to team standard.

Sde-2, backend system design preparation, yes you can I'm a new team

But I have experience in front-end, is it okay to prepare for back-end sd?

You have 2.4 months or years of experience in frontend? And any reason why you're planning to leave Razorpay? Are you not promoted to SDE-2 after working for 3 years there?

Considering your total experience, aiming for an SDE2 position is reasonable, especially if you target product companies that offer better compensation, peer learning opportunities, and challenging work.
Harsh reality: Backend engineers grow fast and earn a lot! Frontend walo ki puch kam he hai. Very good full-stack is a rare breed and most respected in early-stage companies.
PS: I answer all career-related questions.

Can relate, my exp has been pretty much similar

I want to join as senior now not from sde 1 again but Fe roles from faang are very limited ultimately sde positions are more. Should I switch to be sd or fe sd.