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Requesting line of thoughts/how-tos on a product I'm building, based on 3D Printing. Anyone working on mapping an object in 3D -> 3D Printing the mapped object?
Open to hire such people
Requesting line of thoughts/how-tos on a product I'm building, based on 3D Printing. Anyone working on mapping an object in 3D -> 3D Printing the mapped object?
Open to hire such people
Not sure if I understand your requirement correctly but you seem to be looking for Photogrammetry + 3D designers good at Blender or similar software. HMU and we can chat.
Say I need to map the muscles and tendons of the hand and 3D print a prosthetic that is accurate to each strand. How does one proceed with dealing the complexity of such case?
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Requesting line of thoughts/how-tos on a product I'm building, based on 3D Printing. Anyone working on mapping an object in 3D -> 3D Printing the mapped object?
Open to hire such people
Looking for a designer to help with a product that I want to build.
Quite a lot of employers are posting online claiming to be hiring, but candidates seem to be not getting any response...
Although porter is hiring, i would suggest not to join them 🤡
i think we should have a proper format for this type of thread, just like hackernews has for whoishiring thread every...