Did you ever take a career break? How fruitful was it? How easy was it to get back on job market?

In case you are forced to take a career break (eg layoffs), please don't share layoff as a reason during interviews
people still bias their judgement and consider you as an under performer or having behavioral issues etc.

Not always. If it was a mass layoff that was publically acknowledged then no harm in sharing that. If the recruiter is still stupid enough to judge you for that then they're rather doing you a favor for you

No, never acknowledge the layoff. Indian hirings arent so mature. Trust me green “open to work” rings failed so bad in India.

I was planning to .. and did beta testing by applying to jobs while in job.. hardly any calls for mid management
I got the answer that i should stick to it no matter what..
Job is your boat in the ocean.. better not to jump in ocean till you dont have other boat beside you..

I left my job in around February. Reasons were-
- Focus on health and take a good break
- Getting out of an org where the work wasn't something I liked
- Transition into a different role(backend)
Why I did it? I am still quite young, in mid 20s, i have emergency fund saved up, and life is too short to stay in a job where you aren't having fun.
My current status - Roamed around, met family for initial months. Started more serious study from May. Still learning a lot of things, have started applying from this month, not sure what the future entails for me. I am positive I'd find something. Till then, would hone my skills as I have a long way to go!
Current market isn't fair, I'd advice people to not leave their jobs if they arent ready to be unemployed for few months(worst case)

Are you getting response to your applications??

I had to take one.. and it a bad world out there.. Please don't if you have an option search for a new one and then only leave the one you have !

Job market is pretty tough right now. Calls are too few from prospective employers and role count also seems low (at least for mid management layer)

What kind of reason for career break give some different kind of reason

I don't understand why people want candidates to come up with new unique reasons to trust him for the career break. Sometimes, health reasons are truly genuine, you never know what someone has gone through.

This also one kind of reason for this question

Not that hard honestly, I started getting 7-10 calls per day from recruiters as soon as I activated my naukri profile with 0 day notice period. Got the new job within a week. Although I admit I had confidence in my skills and that I was at the top 1% (4yoe at the time)