Boss was a total creep, always making comments, 'accidentally' touching. Kept quiet 'cause I was scared of losing my job. Now? He got promoted, and I'm still stuck working under him. The sight of him makes me sick. Hate myself every day for not speaking up.
The worst part? He's still doing it to other women, and they look at me like, 'Why didn't you warn us?' The guilt is unbearable. Sometimes I draft resignation emails, but never send them. Too afraid to start over in this economy. Feels like I'm betraying myself and every other woman here every day I stay silent. Don't know how much longer I can take this.
Wish I could go back and find the courage to stand up to him. Maybe then I could look at myself in the mirror without feeling disgusted.
Damn, wasn’t expecting to be sharing this with folks anywhere - feels good to let this out