Does Gap Matters to Companies
I am having 3. 6 years of experience in service based, but due to cost cutting and lack of project, I lost my job, asked to do force resignation. today is my last working day., I started preparing for product based companies few months back. I completed dsa and started working on development to build some projects because I have zero knowledge on building applications. but this layoff happened in middle, Right now I have two options. Either join any any company that I get by makinng my profile as immediate joiner obviously it will be again service based company and it will be my 3rd company or shall I persue my dream of cracking or joinng in product or unicorn by having gap. I put lot of efforts for my goal now I am in middle of achieving it. Any suggestions will be Appriciated. Comming to money side, I have made some savings to survive for 8 to 9 months because I am single so no responsibilities. But my only confusion is shall I let this gap or shall I join in any company immediately, if I need to join any company then I have to join again in service based company. Please suggest me which one to choose. Also will Gap matters for my next employer.