
Egotistical Founder - Such a prick!

Hey everyone! Sorry for the title.

I had applied for a company, based out of Hyderabad. A startup, hiring for its founding full-stack engineer. The founder had sent their calendly link to schedule the meeting. I scheduled once, joined and waited long enough to receive an email saying that he got caught up in another meeting. The email explicitly said how sorry they were. Scheduled again, cancelled 5 mins prior because of a conflicting meeting. They apologized again, sent the calendly link, I rescheduled. I had an personal emergency because of which I couldn't attend so I sent an email, 5 MINS BEFORE THE MEETING STARTED, asking to reschedule. They shared the link, I rescheduled and they completely ghosted me.

They think they belong to the top of the world or something, because of a fricking startup? Although it's YC funded but that doesn't give them horns! So I'm going to name and shame the company.

LANDEED Founder - CJ Lin

13mo ago

Yeah, bro at the end it's a startup that's it. Doesn't matter YC or Baba Ramdev or Maulana funded it. Startup founders think they're very special and they can bully others. I'm not saying this to everyone, some are very great and generous and humble ( so don't think, I'm attacking someone).

Once I gave an interview for a software engineer role just fresh out of my university. That guy came, no intro nothing. 1st question - write LRU cache and then using that implement LFU cache. Max it took me 5 mins to understand and start telling him the approach. He just listened to 1 line and said send the solution to the HR and directly cut the call.

I was so angry that he disrespected me, although I didn't know the answer to the question, but I was giving it a shot. My interview finished in 5 mins. To get the interview, I had to beg HR for 2 days and she was low balling me and I had no option.

I forgot the name of the startup, I will update the comment or I will reply into this.

Worst company.


@DonnyDarko glad that you're no longer part of that 💩shop.


Hell! They think they own the world just because a few investors invested in their idea?
Great that you escaped that hell-hole!


Couldn't find it Google.

What's their website?


Here it is.


I built this product as a side project when rera launched. Though I only made it for Haryana


You see this a lot with first time founders playing with investor money. It directly goes to their heads. Anyway looks like you dodged a bullet.


Totally! Just making sure everyone dodges this bullet 😉


Hate those kinda founders, but if you check this band of founders are third time founder. 🤔


Why is a Chinese dude the co-founder of a Hyderabad based Indian startup for online property search?


CEO is an Indian who has lived abroad. He’s pretty active on LinkedIn (first red flag) posting about his company and startups. The company is solving an interesting problem actually. Digitising land registries in India.


Just out of curiosity, why is 'posting about their startups" a red flag?


Thnx for the suggestion. Will avoid landeed at all costs !!!!


Always happy to help 🙏🏻


So, just to reiterate, you didn’t have any actual conversations with the person and are saying they have a bloated ego based on what? Just that you didnt get a reschedule from them? LOL such fragile ego you have man.
Instead of posting and crying wolf here, maybe try sending another reminder?
Dude, seems like you have bigger ego problems. LOL, I think they dodged a bullet by ghosting you.

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