
Finances/Investing 101

Safe to say I know nothing about this.

  1. Where do I start if I want to upskill on this? I have some time during my commute and at the gym, so podcasts will be great, for starters. Other resource materials also work.

  2. I'm in early career, always been a miser, slowly starting to try spending on experiences. I try to invest first, and then spend. I save close to 20-25k per month, with the biggest expense being Mumbai rent.

  3. Any advice on where to start, outside of theoretical knowledge? I currently have some FDs, but I know there's a lot more that I don't know about. I want that to change. And no, this is not some New Year motivation 😭


6d ago
Find out if you are being paid fairly.Download Grapevine

There's a youtube channel called every paisa matters, I watched its playlist to understand different instruments.

Create an excel sheet that includes your income, expenses, monetary goals. How do you want to invest, what things do you want to buy.

Also mention the reason for investment and your thinking behind.

Also first create an emergency corpus. Buy health and term insurance

Once it's done, then until you have concrete plan then you can park your money in nifty or debt funds.

There's also a youtube channel fix your finance

Where he advices on how to financial strategies based on your income and life condition



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