Salesforce Manegerial Round
Can anyone give me idea about the Managerial Round in Salesforce, what questions they can ask, do they ask technical stuff also?
Hi I am going through interviews for MTS Frontend (Design system team) at Salesforce. Got done with initial screening and assignment. Now I have 2 rounds remaining. Round 1 - Focus areas are HTML/Dom/CSS and Styling
Round 2 - Focus areas are JS, A11y, Web performanceWeb application level questions
I have 2 days from now. Suggest me what to expect in interview and what to prepare. Round 1 topics seems easy but scared bexause they are easy. Not sure if they would go for machine coding or just ask verbal questions. Please help!!!
What is your yoe? How did you get the interview call?
Can anyone give me idea about the Managerial Round in Salesforce, what questions they can ask, do they ask technical stuff also?
Hey guys, I have just got to know that I have interview tomorrow at salesforce for SMTS, I am not postponing it as already multiple time it has been rescheduled by recruiter. Can any one please help me with the difficulty level of each r...
Hi Team , Hope you are doing well , I'm looking for a software engineer role at your organisation , I have 2 years of experience and have worked in core java,html,CSS,javascript (solved 700+ problems in leet code).Sharing my updated res...