
Hit 3 Cr net-worth at 34. Need tips to make it 15 Cr by 40

Own a house worth 3.5 Cr which is on rent Have a home loan of 2 Cr outstanding balance Have cash of about 0.8 Cr, Shares and NF of about 0.5 Cr and PF of about 0.3 Cr.

Have also gifted my parents property worth 1 Cr

This is both a post of happiness and need guidance to grow this to 15 Cr in the next 6 yrs (so I can retire in peace)

9mo ago

considering you mentioned 15cr in 6 years.

Apart from heavily investing from your salary, I would suggest to reduce your cash component. 80L seems to much of cash, keep around 12 months of emergency fund (including EMIs) and rest you can invest.

Not sure if it’s for the security purposes, but to me cash seems too much.

Real estate is hit or miss for me, I would suggest you to take more risk on small cap stocks/mfs.


Yes it's a bit for security, but I don't intend to increase that component too much in future. Of what I save after EMIs and personal costs, I put 70% in equity and 30% in FDs


I can make it 90-10 but I need the 80 for personal reasons


If I were in your place id have shares and mf worth 50% of net worth. That will take care of your growth rate at around 15% per annum. Break it up into 50% large cap and 50% small cap since you have a reasonably high risk taking ability. Taking 3 cr to 15 cr is 2.5 doubles. So that's atleast 10 years away at 15%. The good thing is that you're earning and adding to corpus. The bad thing is that your split of the corpus is skewed towards real estate which might only give you around 7% best case.


Ambani bnna h ?


Nahi bus 40 pe retire hona hai


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FIRE kar lo aap


Invest in my small startup expansion. I will give you 7% fixed returns for a year. Minimum investment is 50K to 2 LPA. 1 year lock-in period. Please keep helping small entrepreneurs like me.


Keep investors in growth stocks and index funds. You are well on track to hit > 20 Cr, considering India's gdp is on track to reach 7T by 2030 (roughly double according to IMF projections) which means stock market likely reach moon 🚀🚀🚀


Your cash component is very high. If you want it for rainy days, you can just invest it into Goldbees, it moves slowly and very rarely it would give you huge drawdowns.

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