How did your personal life affect your professional life ? Share your positive/ negative experiences.

A lot.
Sister suffers severe psychological ssues.
Has been known since 4 years. Can't leave her alone. Trying to get her up on her feet has been a challenge since such people are not that socially acceptable.
We've had to juggle cities just so that someone is there to tend to her.
It drains the life out of your life.
Such things definitely affect professional life as you can't give 100% to your work when your mentally stuck at your home.

Born and brought up in Delhi, and don't want to leave delhi and from the last 1-2 years rejected a lot of good companies bcz they are in bgl/Hyderabad.

My father's been sick for the past 5 years and I had to start working right after it to support my family. Haven't been able to take a single break because of that. Pretty drained out at this point.

Very high. Ups and downs in personal life definitely changes the mood and affects professional life, and vice versa is also true. Difficult to have a switch that can be turned on / off so easily.

I have been on both sides of this impact. For a long period of time, I tried isolating my personal & professional life but it doesn’t work at all.
If things are good in your personal life, it will impact the professional life & vice versa. Then I started accepting it and actively trying to manage it.
Marriage is a very big factor, it’s a make or break decision in anyone’s life. I feel bad that people don’t take it seriously. It is THE most important project of your life and you start working on it the time you become an adult, a good 4-5 years of effort is needed to land a successful marriage. Even if you want to do an arranged marriage, working on your own before that helps a lot, your goals, lifestyle, fitness, savings everything.
And at the risk of being utterly obvious, the best thing you can do to yourself is cut ties with people who don’t make you feel good. Living alone is much better than being with negative people.

Want to echo that Marriage is really a make or break. Has a lot of impact. Totally agree 💯

Negative here, but don't have regrets! Parent diagnosed with a terminal illness meant I left a cushy job abroad and relocated to India As his health deteriorated it became difficult to manage work and personal life from different cities, leading me to finally quitting work and taking care of him full time for a year. Suffered multiple personal losses( partner leaving me) losing another job on the way, getting sick due to extreme stress. Personal Opinion - Made me realise success and money means nothing unless your family is left to fend for themselves.

Your last line is so true and I can strongly relate to it. Your career doesn't depend solely on you and your performance. Your family situation also affects your trajectory. The biggest support a family can provide is to take care of themselves without our help. Its a blessing in disguise if you have such family

Had a pretty bad time in my last job. Was in another fintech firm, and started liking a girl.
We then started dating, and things were great.
Ultimately, she wanted to move to marriage, and I wasn’t ready to commit. Things got tense, and we ultimately had to break up.
We had the same group of work friends, and it was just weird being in office afterwards. Nothing toxic, just weird.
It led to me wanting to switch out, ultimately

Used to get frustrated at how certain people at work go about doing their job ( being casual and play it safe to save their job). With time, trying to settle down in my own thought as I can't change people. Learned not to take work emotionally

Personal life changed perspective on work life. Boyfriend is really supportive and gave great advice. Used to get very affected with work, not trying to be too emotionally invested at work anymore.

To be honest, I consider myself very lucky in this context. Was luckily usually mentally healthy. Parents never troubled me either when I was a student or when I became a working professional.
Haven't married yet, so none of that yet.
I think a lot of why I've had a breezy journey so far in corporate has to do with not having personal issues. And I always recognize that may not be the case for the person sitting next to me.