
How do I tackle 90 days notice period?

I desperately looking for a job switch but due to my notice period being of 3 months I'm not getting any call from good companies. The only calls that I've received are from service based companies. Can anyone please suggest a trick or a solution to my problem.

11mo ago

Mention 45 days NP in your interviews.
Once you get a job - mention medical emergency at home . Be serious in your company during this phase and resign mentioning that its critical for you to go home.
Serve 30 days - dont take salary for that : it is equivalent to 60 days. Show that you are thinking of your present org and leave on good note


Will they accept resignation if you have medical emergency?


Yes, mention them that i am the only child and have to takecare of parents and all


Say 60 days and ur project is ending . So u r confident of release. Once after getting the offer letter, negotiate with ur current manager for early release. Most understand. If not , ask the new company for extension. Most do , pls ensure u r in touch with new company and dont do hire loss for them . Thats all they want. Enjoy the extra month of pay and no work in notice period .


Kabhi ye try nahi kia but good suggestion

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IT Company Discussion

Tackling 90 Days notice period?

Company has a 90 days notice and i getting very less calls due to this. Putting 30-60 days notice on job portals increased the opportunity but I am bad at lying and when i tell them officially its 90 days , they just run away. How to dea...