
How do working couples manage their life?

Hello, In today's world most of the married couples are working. How do you guys manage your non-work life together like kids, food, grocery, shopping, house chores? As most of us come from a background where our mothers are housewives and she used to manage the household chores like cooking, house management, kids and other indoor stuff and our fathers used to go out and earn money, and manage outdoor stuff. Now, this paradigm has been changed and I fully accept this maturely but I want to fit in this new model. Can anyone tell me how they are managing it positively? Thanks for your time and only serious answers please.

10mo ago

Two options,

  1. Elders from either girl's or boy's side stay with the family, as the support system. OR
  2. Maid, Nanny, Cook and other help and use of apps for ordering and weekend shopping.
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