
How does job hunt work with long notice periods?

I am a fresher, and my company has a 3 month notice period. I want to know do normally people have offers in hand before resigning or they find next stint in the notice period. I ask this because I don't imagine companies waiting 3 months for us to join. Do they?

24mo ago

Many large Companies do wait for 3 months, because their job projections are for as long as 6-9 months in advance. Just that many companies have some urgent openings too, for which they look for quick joining. Another aspect is, many of them are apprehensive whether or not you will join them after being rolled out the offer, because you will get 3 months of time to look for other competitive offers. So they prefer short joiners even though themselves may have 3 months notice period!! The trick here is, convince them that even though your notice period is 3 months, you will be able to get out after 2 months, because of so many reasons (you have seen many people leaving at 2 months, you have good rapport with your manager etc.). Once you get the first offer, the job is done. It doesn’t matter whether you actually are able to leave at 2 months or not (though you should certainly try your best), they will seldom cancel the offer if you don’t join at 2 months time, it is very usual to see joining date pushed ahead. But of course joining earlier will be beneficial for you too, so just convince them that you will leave at 2, and try best to do that. Besides, in next 2 months you can get other offers too, for which your effective notice can be actually 2 months. And normally, people resign only after getting an offer in hand. Only few people resign first and search for job next, usually doesn’t happen that way, neither is it advisable, unless there are some dire circumstances.


Been in the same boat, you keep looking for a company that has a tolerance for longer np. In 2022 many companies were willing to wait for the longer np. People have also lied , saying they have a 2 month np when they have a 3 month one , sometimes it works sometimes it doesn't so I definitely won't recommend that


If someone works in renowned companies, everybody knows what is the notice period😊 So lying it out is generally not possible (unless it is some lesser known organisation). Everybody has friends everywhere, even those HRs😊


Yes , thats why I didn't recommend doing it, it worked when the demand was through the roof for that particular role, people had 5/6 offers for that role won't always work


Startups won’t wait for 3 mos, see if they can buy 2 mos of your notice period

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