
How to control sudden outbursts of emotional anxiety ?

At the risk of sounding weak, this has become more and more rampant with me.

It feels as if I am living someone's elses life.

Somedays I just feel like living a life thats pointless. These are the days when I feel very prone to these emotional impulses of sudden "lonlinesss" (despite having few of the most amazing people in my life) or "emptiness" or "anti-gratitude/self-destruction". So much mental lethargy behing these useless chain of thoughts.

Am I the only one? Have I lost it? Am I sensitive? Is it a bad thing? Am I overworked? Am I too critical about my thoughts?

Man this is so confounding.

8mo ago
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@MarkZuckerberg Haha But thats not what I am looking for.


Weed is not a great option. If you are experiencing a Bad trip, weed is only going to amplify it.


I have been going through the same thing for many years. I have been on anti-anxiety medication for 2-3 years but stopped last year. Sometimes its tolerable, some days not.

Trust me when I tell you its directly correlated with physical health, let’s start with basics:

  1. Get all your vitamins levels tested -D3, B12, etc. regularly. Often anxiety/depression issues due to low levels. Take multi vitamins and omega 3 fish oil daily - THIS IS A LIFE SAVER - and anyone who says otherwise trust me has no knowledge of this.

  2. Breathing - start by commiting 10-15 mins daily to pranayam. Stomach breathing exercises are essential for anxiety.

  3. Physical activity- its fine if you dont wanna go gym - do basic warm up, body weight exercises, then stretching. Even 20 mins of this every day with improve your life ten folds.

  4. Find some mission that is selfless and greater than you - For me, I take care of the street dogs in my lane. Feeding them daily, vaccinations, doctor visits. I don’t do it to improve my anxiety but because I genuinely love them - and in that process I realised how cathartic it is. It can be anything- helping out in old age home, teaching poor children, even cleaning your house! It gives you a purpose that no matter what you’re feeling, there are certain duties that HAVE to be done.

  5. Stop alcohol and smoking completely - this is not from a preaching pov but biological. All of these release drowner chemicals in our brain.

This is what I do to keep myself in check- its not perfect but works for me. Hope it helps!


Pretty much this. This is very well put and something I have gone through as well. I wouldn't recommend starting with meds though. Do everything else and if all else fails, go to meds.


Great list! I would like to add my two cents too.
Experiment with your caffeine intake. Due to a few circumstances, I stopped consuming caffeine altogether. It was bad for a few days but after that, life had never been better. My anxiety levels are under control now. Exercise, pranayama, journaling, along with no caffeine, no alcohol and no smoking, have helped me feel so much calm. I had been suffering from severe anxiety for 7 years and was even on meds briefly in between.


@StanleyHudson : I get you. I am a trained listener. If you ever feel like venting, please DM. Being anonymous makes it easy. Wishing you find some peace✌️


Thank you so much


Thank you so much


Also: My therapist feels that its normal and I should not pay attention to it.
I am sorry but thats the most pointless advice I have ever recieved. Its like saying "if youre homeless, just buy a house"

She never made an attempt to feel my thoughts the way I do.

I just feel that no one understands me despite being as articulate as I can. Sometimes I feel really abnormal


Change her


Yeah. Search has begun


Get your blood test done.. eat and sleep properly it helped me it will help u.


I cant sleep My average quality sleep time is 5hr

The harder I try The harder it gets

I dont even feel like sleeping/resting

On some days I wake up with a will to slap myself so hard


This is me, we can talk if you want ...exact same thing happening

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