
How to manage work hours?

I know stupid question, but amidst all this WLB discussion I'm struggling to keep my work hours within working limits

We start work at 10 am, ideally 8 n half hours is 6.30 pm. By the time I wrap it is 7.. 7.15.. 7.30 pm. Some colleague will need 'last minute help, EOD approvals are still pending, day end reports are yet to go from team etc

Then 7.45..8..8.30 pm boss wants to talk about important stuff that was missed during the day. If you don't answer on Slack, it will be on WhatsApp. And I'll be online on WhatsApp obviously, I have people to talk to. So if you don't respond, it's 'disrespectful'

Sometime, boss gets reminded of stuff at 12 - 1 am, he'll text 🙄

I want strict 8 1/2 hours. How to achieve that?

5mo ago

Don’t take requests beyond work hours for a few days. Give some excuses if needed. After a few days, they will stop bothering you.


For the long term, change the team or move elsewhere. There are better people out there.

  1. It's not a stupid question
  2. It's your boss who's disrespecting your boundaries by texting on WhatsApp after work hours! You shouldn't be the one feeling guilty about it. What do they expect anyway, that you respond at 1am?

You've got to set strict boundaries, or else they'll just chew you up and spit you out when you inevitably burn out.

(More enlightened people than me can tell you what exactly to tell your boss to get your point across.)


Get new number. Tell your friends and family to call on new number. Switch off this number after 6PM and also turnoff internet for whstaapp of this number

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Work Life Balance

I see a lot of posts about WLB, I want to know what do you consider as a decent WLB. I will go first.

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Rule of thumb If you get work thoughts outside 9-6 or weekends, it's not WLB.


Micro-management is the biggest red flag for me and also night shifts.


This WLB is a shit dream; just a lie. Org like Google is pushing AI team more than 80 hours a week!

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How many hours do you actually work per day?

For me 5 - I start by 11 and end by 7 but take an hour lunch break, 4-5 tea/coffee breaks and some gossips - I tracked one day and it was 5.2 hrs.

What about you?

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I have adhd so I don't (read : can't) work until 2 days before sprint is about to get over then wrap the stuff up wit...


Start at 9, go till 9. All due to fuckall calls and people taking download to present to higher ups


9+ hours Also require to attend US time zone meetings/collaboration

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