
How to tackle interview Q's on my short stints?

I was recently laid off. I am applying for jobs. One question that has been a bother for me is on my unfortunate past short stints. Need help from folks on how to tackle these Q's. I am applying for product / strategy roles. 2015 - tier 1 engg 2019 - tier 1 MBA 1.5 yrs - did my own startup...fairly successful but later failed due to covid 11 months - worked in a fairly well known fast growing startup - left coz wanted to move to a product centric startup 14 months - worked in product based big unicorn startup - got laid off 10 months - joined an early stage startup - startup failed and laid off again

What should be my interview strategy? How do I portray my story in a positive light?

14mo ago
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Veritas vos liberabit. The truth will set you free.

John 8:32.


It is not setting me free....it is f**** me up🥲


You certainly can't make shit up. Its impossible to hide. Might as well be upfront about it.

Built a narrative that explains the transitions. Especially the reasons why you decided to move.

You are too early in career to be hassled with this - none of this will matter after 1 solid medium term stint.


If you can stitch the stints together and how it will help in future role, that’s it. You can reaffirm them by explicitly telling them, looking for a stable role to leverage the past learnings.

A hiring manager won’t reject just because past stints weren’t long enough. Everyone knows about the “gold rush” period.


Truth, but put it down well. Reason, some people might have the sentimental impact of layoff that whichever company you were at had done bad and hence the layoffs. Put it down in a better way in explaining the situation by setting context and tell the truth.

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