
I am 30 yo with all my working experience in support. Never did any development or coding. Will getting an Mtech from top colleges (iit/iisc) help me get on good career trajectory?

I started working around 2017 never upskilled enough to switch and realised my mistakes very late

Would my past experience be an issue if I get into good colleges like IITs/IISc

By the time I graduate I would be around 33-34 maybe ? Is it too late to get into GATE. I also can't afford to go to foreign masters degree. I am single so only parents are dependent on me.

myquals: BE in CS from tier 3 college in Maharashtra.

Any experienced advice is appreciated.

17mo ago

You got to have a strong affection towards technology for mtech else it will be difficult after all these years , I would say do a proper MBA (via CAT) which isn't technical and It will open Management roles for you (which will be a much better fit) rest is your decision.


Wishing you all the best buddy...and your salary will never decide your worth, don't let anybody make you feel shit about it


I have 10 years exp in industry and did MTech early in the hope to bump my profile as opposed to job. My opinion is do 2 things in parallel you can join a good gate coaching and attempt it it will help you also prepare for core cs subjects. Along with gate also attempt top IIIT entrance exams if you are able to crack top 5 IIT or IIIT it can certainly help your career since the campus placements are great and in 2 yr during mtech focus on development. 2nd thing to do is keep upskilling yourself independently and try getting into good support roles or try similar roles like sre or dev ops or admin roles they are great and pays at par with good companies. I hope this helps you


So basically mtech did help you early career phase from salary perspective and long run right?


It did help me start with a good salary as opposed to those service level packages and let me state here that I did my mtech from my states top 3 college as opposed to iit or nit. Did6 some mistakes during counseling and exploring options regarding IIIT. Later in my career core tech skills and hands-on experience helped and need to be continuously sharpened on skills to keep yourself competitive in market.


Even if you do manage to get into IIT/IISc (that's a big if), you'll be starting all over again, with a better package maybe, but still. It's harder than we think.

You're better off either trying for an MBA, or upskilling now. Put in the effort for the next 6 months or a year, become really good at one particular stack and then start asking for referrals. Be prepared for rejections due to your age factor ( you can debate whether it's right or wrong all day, it doesn't matter. It is what it is) and move on to the next one until you crack the damn interview. You may have to do it all over again even if you get selected, because of the pay factor. Try to focus on Faang/maang companies, because good pay is almost a certainty there.

Honestly, MBA is a better choice at your age considering the context and future. Unless you are really into tech, opt for an MBA.


Do MBA will open up many more roles, even less bias against support background.


For for MBA, it will open path in upper management and your age is also perfect for that.


I also forgot to add. I want to go for mtech since it's difficult to switch and companies are ignoring me due to support background. Also, salary is 9 lpa and am looked down in family circle.


Instead of higher study,why not focus on learning new technologies and do coding . I don't think doing Mtech will help. MBA will be another option only if you are doing from reputed colleges.


I have seen people doing mtech having age 28-29 if you really want you should go for it as soon as possible and work hard during the placements.


Yep, do an Mtech. Even a jump from 9LPA to 27LPA is very significant

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