
Ideal age to get Married

My parents have started talking about my marriage and I am only 23 rn.

They are pressurising to get married by the time I’m 25. I feel like I’m a kid even today

I haven’t even travelled yet 🥲, If my +1 comes I’d have to take her to travel and the cost of travel would double

When did you feel you were ready to get married ?

7mo ago
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Well, there are 2 views which ppl normally take:

  1. Ppl who get married early tend to have healthier view on relationships (as they have not hone through multiple bad ones) but they do not get to explore life independently.
  2. Ppl who get married late have gone through bad relationships which hinders their positive thoughts on bonds/love/relationship/emotions & become confused. But they tend to be independent and have experience of life. Assuming u r a guy as u said “id have to take her”, i would suggest to get financial independence before marriage (25 is too young for a guy in todays times) n yes, do travel. It changes perspectives.

Technically ppl suggest to get married when u r ready but trust me no one feels “ready” to be married. Its a huge responsibility. So get married when right person comes along with whom u see spending ur rest of the life.


Well kept!!


When u r ready


Genuine question - do we actually realize when we are ready for marriage?
Cause I'm 27 rn and still no thought of marriage has come in.


I believe if you are having arranged marriage then you should try to get married early. Because in a marriage you need to be friends first, and in arrange marriage you would need some time to be friends then lovers and then parents. But if you are already in a relationship and you know that person in and out then you can marry late.
But in both of the situations you have to be ready from within.


My advise is - get married whenever you’re ready.. but don’t delay it so much.. the earlier you marry, the more time you will be there around for your kids..


My parents started the marriage talk when I switched a few companies and started making decent money at 27.
My response was “I’m not ready yet, need to focus on my career”. Today I’m 32, jobless (got laid off) and nobody would marry me. :)

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