
So… any plans for marriage?

^That’s my parents’ new favorite question, like I can just slot it between investor meetings and product launches.

And yeah, they’re not wrong. By the time I’m ready, I’ll need to have found someone. You can’t just fast-forward to a relationship; it takes time, energy, and mental space — things I don’t have right now.

I get it. One day I’ll probably wonder why I didn’t start sooner. But right now, my focus is here: building this startup. It’s not a 9-5, it’s sleepless nights, constant pressure, and the highs and lows of creating something from scratch.

Then there’s this fear — that I’m screwing up my future by not looking for someone now. That I’ll wake up at 35, alone, asking myself what happened. But forcing a relationship just because it’s “time”? That’s how people end up miserable.

The truth is, most of us in our late 20s are in the same boat. Trying to build something meaningful while figuring out life. Some dive into relationships, others wait it out, and all of us hope we’re not making a mistake.

So when my parents ask again, I’ll keep saying, “not yet.” - idk where this will land me, but I don't really know better!

6mo ago

I met a guy through one of those matrimony apps. He works as a consultant in one of the big 4s. Though all the aspects matched between us, he couldn't commit time to the relationship. Shattered, my quest to find the right one also ended because I genuinely didn't know what else to find in any other person. His overdemanding work schedule literally killed the probability of a happy future.
My 2 cents: only look for a life companion when you genuinely want to set aside some time to build the relationship just like the startup you're building. A relationship is just like a baby that needs time and care!


Last words are true. Love is like oxygen. Love lifts us up. Love makes us to do anything at any cost


Wow. Last sentence is an eye opener ❤️


Get married, why do you think marriage will stop your career progress? Instead it should help you in growing.


This is too idealistic! It's the hope tho


Marriage and child birth always puts a break on career. And career is more imp than anything in current times.


My mom always says she’s not trying to rush me, just remind me that time doesn’t stop. I think she’s just worried that I’ll get so caught up in work that I forget to think about the bigger picture. At the end of the day, they just want us to be happy, even if we don’t realize what will make us happy right now.


Is it normal for a 30+ year old to not think about marriage at all?


Im 33 no plans to marry until i reach a million dollar portfolio


A million dollars and no one to spend it with. That’s not life.


I’m not even in the startup world, but damn if this doesn’t hit home. I’m in a corporate job, and between climbing the ladder and keeping my sanity intact, there’s zero time or energy left to ‘find the one.’ Sometimes I wonder if I’m sabotaging myself, but then again, I don’t want to rush just because people expect me to.


Exactly. A relationship needs time and effort, and mostly people in 20s are themselves figuring out life and then committing to a relationship is just too much. I think instead of "finding the one", we should just continue with our life, keep working on our goals and if we happen to meet someone in the journey, and the vibe matches, it's great!! But just because it's time to "settle" doesn't justify marrying someone. This is a decision that could make or break someone's life. why the rush then?

Also, my friends make fun of me as I have never been in a relationship. But when I see them, I feel bad for them. None of my friends is totally happy with their relationship. Some of them aren't leaving their partners just because they do not want to again start from scratch with someone else. So no matter how much their partner hurts/disrespects them, they don't leave them. I feel not being in a relationship is way better than feeling miserable every single day.


I'm in the similar boat as you, career comes before everything else.


The sooner the better, your parents are right. Everything has a time so do a marriage and getting married in 20s would be the best decision whether you like it or not. Do you want your children's looks younger while you look like grandpa?


If u take care of ur health one can look young even later on we indians look like shit since most of us don't take care of our health


Don’t get married stay focused in your career


And I just got that question today.


dude a early 20 guy here i can understand but imagine having given your years to the company and suddenly you sent back home what will you do who will you meet it is just at the right time u gotto get right balance

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