
[Interview Exp] Why can't Women professionals be seen as basic humans

Context: I had put out a message seeking newer projects, and a certain person reached out. They have over 20+ yrs of exp and run their own boutique consultancy. The role they had envisioned fit perfectly that I was looking for.

Interview: We spoke over an hour, discussing the role, my top skills that would be beneficial, future prospects, where I see myself beyond work. Genuinely good conversation.

The person concludes the Interview and I quote "Now that I have met you, I can definitely say the pictures you have over your social media and website do not do justice to how you look. You have many photogenic angles that you should explore"

Shock was understatement

I steered the conversation towards how it is essential for my personal brand building and I have it in my consideration. (I believe I handled it well)

P.S. Anyone who supports this because it was just appreciating beauty - wrong place wrong time and also wrong person.

P.P.S. Time to get a photoshoot done!

7mo ago
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